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P. 59
Eco-Friendly Home & Living Articles 59
Pi Pi Pinknknkn
G Gr Gr Gr Gr Grreyeyeyeye
Bl Bl Bl B Blue ueuueueueueeue
For Quality
Re Re Re R
Or Or Or O
Bamboo o o o o o o o o o o oo
G G Gr Gr Gr
DWEN 201 - BlueWENEN 2010 - BBBluluueeeN 201 BBl DWEN 202- Grey DWEN 203 - RedDWEN 202--- GGGGrererereyyyy DWDWDWENENN 2203033 -- RRRRRedededededDWEN 202 GGG DWENN 2203 RRR ddd DWEN 204- OrangeDWD EN 204-- OOOrararaangngn eeeDWWEN 204 OO DWEN 205- GreenDWEN 205-- GGGrereenennnDWEN 205 G DWEN 206- PinkDWEN 206 PPii kk
Cupgo is a 270ml mug that is made from naturally grown organic bamboo fibre. It is ecofriendly, reusable & highly durable. C C C Cupuppupgggooo isisiss aaa 2222277770m0mm0 ll mmmuuugggg ttthahahahattt iiiisss mammam dedddede frffffrf omomommomm nanannanattturururalalallylyly grgrgrooowwwnn ooorrgrgaannicic bbamamammbobobooooo fibfibfibfi rerere
T T T T T Thhhheee siisililicoconnn grgrrgripipippipip wiwwiwiwiwitttttthhhhhh gegegeegegeomomomoo etetetririr c c c dededeee isisiss gngngngng hehehehehelplplplplps ss s hhhhooooldldlddd tttthhhhhheeee cccuuppp cococooconvnvnvenenenennenieiieeieientnttntnn lyllyly whwhwheenen ttthehehe drdriinnkkk isisis hhhotot..
The silicon grip with geometric design helps hold the cup conveniently when the drink is hot. Dishwasher safe.
Print Technique : UV, SC Preferred Print Location : Front Max Print Size : 20 x 15 mmPrPrPrPrPrinninint tt tt TTTTTeeeecchhhnniiqquuuuee :: UVUVU , SCSC PrPrPrefefefe erere reredd d PrPrP ininnt tt LoLocac tionon : FFFrororontnttntt MaMaMaMM xxxx PrPrPrPrrinininiint ttt SiSSSizeze :: 2220 000 x x x 1515 mmmmm
Pr Pr Pr Pr Pr
Product Size : 12 x ø8 cm Packing Details : 44.5 x 35.5 x 52 cm; 80 pcs/carton; gw/nw: 11.80 kg/cartonodododododucucucucct tttt SiSiSiSizezezezeze ::::: 111112 222 2 x xxx øøøø8 88 8 8 cmcmcmc PaPaPackckckiningggggg DeDeDeD taataililils sssss : : 4444.55 xx 33355.5.55 5 xx x x 525252522 ccccm;m;m;m; 88880 0 0 0 pcpcp s/s/s/s/s/cacacartrtrtonon;; gwgw/n/n/n/ w:ww: 11111.80808 kkkg/g/g/cacacartrtrtononon
For Quality
For Quality
Microwave Safe
Made From 100% Recyclable
Borosilicate Glass
500 ml; Heat Resistant
Sleeve Included For Drop Protection
HLMK 101 -CHINO Glass is 100% recyclable and doesn't contains harmful chemicals or
unwanted flavours into your water like plastic or metal. Brasov water bottle is reusable
Nature line lunch box made from a combination of natural bamboo fibers with PP and is entirely BPA free, lead free and worry free. Made from high borosilicate glass,
material. 700ml capacity, BPA free material, and suitable for dishwasher, microwave which is more heat resistant than any other commonly used glass. With fashionable
oven and freezer. A fabric band hold the box, fork & knife.
sleeve for drop protection and heat insulation. Content 500 ml.
Print Technique : SC Preferred Print Location : Top Print Technique : SC,UV Preferred Print Location : Bottle
Max Print Size : 50 x 35 mm Product Size: 16.5 x 5 x 11.2 cm Max Print Size : (Flat) 25 x 120 mm, (Round) 70 x 120 mm 20 Product Size : 21.6x ø6.7 cm
Packing Details : 26 X 34 X 57.5 cm ; 11 kg Pcs: 50/ carton
Packing Details : 49 x 33 x 26.5 cm; 24pc /carton; gw/nw: 11 kg / carton