Page 64 - كاتالوج الهدايا - 2
P. 64

64                      Socially Responsible Gift - An Out-of-Box Digital Gifting Concept

             Keyfetch the only online lost property service
             to connect owners and finders directly and
             anonymously, at a click.
                                                                          Socially Responsible Gift

                                                                 Tag Anything!


                                                                                  Back Side

                                BENEFITS                                            FEATURES
            •  Allows customers / employees to protect their
               valuables and allows you to advertise your            •  Directly and anonymously connects
               brand at the same time                                  owners and finders of lost items

            •  Promote your brand by putting your logo on
               millions of your customers everyday belongings,       •  100% anonymous patented messaging
               visible 24/7, 365 days a year.                          system
            •  Be part of solving a real life problem                •

            •  Nurture your socially responsible corporate image.      Private label offering designed to put
                                                                       your logo on millions of everyday items

            •  Works globally

                                                          Keyfetch is the only service of its kind to have received an official
                                                          accreditation from the UK Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
                                                          as part of the Secured by Design nationwide initiative.
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                             ƐƐŽĐŝĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ  ŚŝĞĨ ŽĨ WŽůŝĐĞ KĸĐĞƌƐ ;h<Ϳ
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